Costumes. Pillow fights. Parachute games. Stuffed animals. Black lights. Dance parties in the street.
No, this isn’t the best sleepover ever. This is Terror Pigeon, the indie dance project of Nashville, TN’s Neil Fridd. Terror Pigeon has put on some of the most memorable shows in the history of the Oasis. Picture it, dance songs about friendship in front of a DIY stage set (inflatables sometimes included), with costumes for everyone to dress up in, strobing light rigs that are actually attached to the audience, a parachute game that ends in a dance party under said parachute… it’s a moment in time to let everything go and just fucking party.
Come to think of it, this is basically the best sleepover ever. You just won’t want to sleep.
“The Nashville weirdo party collective (formerly known as Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt!) sent us their forthcoming album Live It Up Before You Die It Up! We listened to their song “Girl” and instantly replayed it 1,400 times in a row. It is so goddamn catchy and anthemic, but with absolutely no song structure whatsoever. It sounds like they snipped out pieces of eight different half-finished songs and mashed them all together until they kinda fit (but not really). So prepare to go through a wide range of emotions on “Girl,” all of which wind down to one ultimate conclusion: party.” -Noisey/Vice Magazine
$10 cover. 21+. Starts at 9pm.